GeneLab Members Expand GL4U to Teach AmpliSeq Bootcamp

Image shows the Amplicon sequencing methodology.

The GL4U training program provides undergraduate and graduate students from underrepresented groups the opportunity to learn about NASA and Space Biology, and to enhance their career prospects by gaining hands-on experience analyzing omics data. From July 10th - July 13th, 2023, GeneLab for Colleges and Universities (GL4U) partnered with Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s (JPL) Planetary Protection Center of Excellence to provide space biology-relevant training in bioinformatics to students and educators at California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA).

During the bootcamp, participants completed the GL4U: Introduction modules, which included lecture-style overviews of NASA, space biology, open science, and GeneLab as well as hands-on introduction of the command line and basic Unix and R commands using Jupyter Notebooks (JNs). Participants then used that knowledge to complete the GL4U: Amplicon Sequencing modules, which included lectures and hands-on instruction using JNs for processing and analyzing Amplicon Sequencing data hosted on the Open Science Data Repository using the GeneLab standard processing pipeline. Compute resources were provided through the National Science Foundation (NSF) ACCESS resources. All bootcamp material are publicly available on GitHub including instructions for how to either install and run the content on a personal computer or to request NSF ACCESS resources thereby enabling educator participants to teach the GL4U content in subsequent semesters.

Interested in learning more? Go to our GL4U Educational Resources page.