WEBINAR, May 6: New Discoveries Using GeneLab

Sylvain Costes - New Discoveries Using GeneLab

Sylvain Costes - NASA GeneLab

WEBINAR: New discoveries using NASA GeneLab data have already begun! Join the webinar:
"Explore NASA GeneLab Space Omics Database and Discover How Life Adapts to Space," starring Sylvain V. Costes, GeneLab Project Manager, NASA Ames Research Center.

Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Time: 9am - 10am, PDT (10am, MDT | 11am, CDT | 12pm, EDT)

Register now: https://bit.ly/3bQzYZO

Researchers worldwide are actively using NASA GeneLab’s spaceflight omics data in order to deepen our understanding of biology and to help us discover cures for diseases, create better diagnostic tools, and ultimately enable astronauts to better withstand the rigors of long-duration spaceflight for deep-space missions.

Dr. Costes will share the ongoing work of GeneLab: the interactive, open-access resource for systems biology and bioinformatics studies where scientists worldwide upload, download, search, share, transfer, visualize and analyze data from spaceflight and corresponding analog experiments.