Check Out GeneLab's Data Processing Page

Image of single cell RNA sequencing pipeline

Interested in learning more about GeneLab omics data processing pipelines? Then check out our new Data Processing page that contains information on six processing pipelines (to include bulk RNA sequencing, single cell RNA sequencing, Amplicon sequencing, Metagenomics, platform specific microarray, and Methylation sequencing) developed by GeneLab in collaboration with the Analysis Working Group (AWG) scientific community. To ensure omics data hosted on the GeneLab Data Repository are accessible to and interpretable by a broad scientific audience, the collaboration amongst GeneLab and AWG members lead to the development and standardization of processing pipelines for each of the omics data types listed above. These processing pipelines are made publicly available through the GeneLab Data Processing GitHub Repository. All pipelines are created using open-source software and pipelines are packaged into workflows to ensure transparency and reproducibility. Instructions for how to install and run GeneLab workflows are also available on the GitHub repository. These pipelines are updated annually as necessary to ensure the pipelines remain up to date with the scientific community best practices.